Total Estimated Civilian Gun Ownership in the United States

Last content update and data verfication was on Saturday, July 27, 2024, at 00:28:41 (America/New York — EST — UTC -5) by MEBMX (MEB MediaX) Webmaster or authorized designee.

Estimates are just that, estimates. However, there’s no question that American civilians own a lot of guns.

In fact American civilians own by far more guns than any other country in the world. Put another way, there are far more guns in the United States than there are people, or as the graph below illustrates, the number of guns per 100 residents in the United States is well over double the next closet country, which by the way is a country in perpetual political crisis.

And it’s not just Americans owning more guns that any other country in the world. American civilians own well over 100 times as many guns as the United States military and well over 400 times as many as law enforcement agencies in the United States.

The difference, of course, is that the United States military and law enforcement agencies in the United States are definitely not outgunned. Hardly. You see owning a gun and knowing how to use it and having the willingness to use it are pivotal. Many civilians, particularly first time buyers, of which we’ve had a lot of recently, lack one or both of those traits which are crucial when bad guys come knocking.