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“Regal Cinemas Considers Closing All U.S. Movie Theaters” the headlines state. Duh. Like ski/ride resorts, COVID-19 is another exceptionally good reason to avoid them, no pun intended, like the plague. In addition, the recently released book Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP) paints a horrid picture of why movie theaters are places highly vulnerable to violent attacks, like a mass shooting. We already stated in a September 10, 2020, post (Movie Theaters: We Don’t Need Them and They Know It) that we don’t need movie theaters and they know it. Cineworld Group PLC, which owns the 543 Regal Cinemas in the United States has apparently gotten the message. The Silver Screen, once the only screen in our lives, is quickly becoming like the rotary telephone and other staples in our lives of yesteryear. Heck, thanks to Jiffy Pop and more recently the microwave we won’t even miss the buttered popcorn.