Preventable Factors Itemized

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Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP)
Mass Shooting Prevention and Research Depository

Preventable Factors Itemized

The following is the running tally of Preventable Factors. It’s a working list and is edited and/or updated often. It’s presented in as simple a format as possible to make it more readable. The first number after each Preventable Factor is the number of times that Preventable Factor is recorded (check Last Updated) in the database and the second number refers to the frequency of the Preventable Factor. As indicated, almost all the Preventable Factors are tied to some degree.

Behavioral Red Flag Law(s) Nonexistent – Behavioral Red Flag Law(s) Nonexistent17-
Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed – Perpetrator(s) Behavior Personally Erratic/Deviated from Individual/Societal Norms72-
Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed – Perpetrator(s) Was in Directed and Overt Incident Preparatory Mode26-
Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed – Perpetrator(s) Expressed Suicidal Ideation and/or Suicide by Police and/or Expressed Violent Intentions Privately and/or Publicly in Person and/or In Any Medium72-
Commercial Establishment Failure – Commercial Establishment Failure 17-
Criminal Justice System FailuresJudicial System FailureCustodial Issues (Questionable Release/Remand of Perpetrator) 0
Criminal Justice System Failures – Judicial System Failure – Questionable “Blue Paper” Rejections of Perpetrator(s)17-
Criminal Justice System FailuresJudicial System FailureQuestionable Search Warrant Rejections for Perpetrator 0`
Criminal Justice System Failures – Law Enforcement Failure – Delayed Response or Inaction to Perpetrator(s) at Incident Scene35-
Criminal Justice System Failures – Law Enforcement Failure – Delayed/Ignored/or No Follow-up to Telltale Perpetrator(s) Event(s) Preceding Incident35-
Criminal Justice System Failures – Probation/Parole FailureFailure to Pursue/Report 
Probation/Parole Violation(s) for Perpetrator
Criminal Justice System Failures – Prosecutorial FailureFailure to Pursue Warranted Criminal Charges Against Perpetrator0
Gun Laws Inadequate – Inadequate Gun Law(s) Contributed to Perpetrator(s) Execution of the Incident63-
Gun Laws Inadequate – Inadequate Gun Law(s) Exacerbated the Incident17-
Mental Health System Failures/Interventions Lacking – Incident Principals Attested to Mental Health System Failure for Perpetrator(s)26-
Mental Health System Failures/Interventions Lacking – Incident Principals Charged with 
Mental Health System Failure for Perpetrator
Mental Health System Failures/Interventions Lacking – Incident Principals Identified With Metal Health System Failure for Perpetrator(s)17-
School System Failures/Interventions Lacking – School Officials Negligent for Inaction Against Perpetrator(s)17-
Unnecessarily Accessible Perpetrator(s) Weapon(s) – Weapon(s) Was Unnecessarily Accessible to the Perpetrator63-
Venue Lacked Armed Individuals/Personnel – Venue Lacked Armed Individuals (Civilians)/Personnel (Military/Police/Security)101
Venue Structural Security Lacking – Venue Had Limited Structural Security17-
Venue Structural Security Lacking – Venue Structural Security was Nonexistent17-
Venue Structural Security Lacking – Venue Had Limited Perimeter Security0
Venue Perimeter Security Lacking – Venue Perimeter Security was Nonexistent17-
Vexatious Cascade of Events Beset Perpetrator(s) – Vexatious Cascade of Events Beset Perpetrator(s)54
Whatever System Failure – Whatever System Failure26-