Police Mass Shooting Transparency – Startling Differences

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If you think that the degree of police mass shooting transparency would be somewhat in the same ball park, you’d be wrong—very wrong.

We’ve researched every mass shooting in the United States for the past several decades leaving absolutely no stones unturned, and one startling fact has emerged—law enforcement agencies differ in significant ways concerning how much data that has been released to the public and made continuously available. It ranges from nearly zero to far more than is necessary.

We have statistical data documenting this, and we could display a neat list for you, but we’d rather just state it in plain English.

The three most police transparent mass shooting are as follows:

Columbine High School, Columbine, Colorado, Mass Shooting – April 20, 1999

Pulse, a Gay Bar, Dance Club, and Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Mass Shooting – June 12, 2016
Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut, Mass Shooting – December 14, 2012

Why? They both have dedicated Webpages loaded with links to data that is continuously available to you and me and whoever.

On the opposite end of the transparency spectrum is the Santa Fe High School, Santa Fe, Texas, Mass Shooting – May 18, 2018 and the American Civic Association Immigration Center, Binghamton, New York, Mass Shooting – April 3, 2009. Nary a piece of meaningful data can be accessed concerning these incidents, which is surprising, considering the former is the third-deadliest high school mass shooting in the United States and the latter resulted in 14 people being killed.

Of course in between these incidents are very varying degrees of transparency. Despite due diligence, we haven’t been able to put our collective finger on why this is so. It should be noted that we’ve excused (even thought Columbine was on the fringes) those incidents that preceded the Internet because understandably the ability for the kind of transparency we’re now used to was impossible then.

Your thoughts?