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Ski/Ride Resorts Fumble for a Way Forward
There’s a lot on the plates of ski/ride resorts these days.
Already facing stagnant participation numbers, a spiraling cost of participation, worsening weather conditions, and being Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP), the COVID-19 pandemic has slammed them again.
While ski/ride industry insiders, who shall remain anonymous, say they can weather a mediocre 2020-2021 season, it must be remembered that their only nemesis isn’t COVID-19 which may or may not be a thing of the past a year from now. In other words, all the other things that are besieging them don’t have herd immunity and/or a vaccine that will make them go away. On the contrary, there’s really no practical fix for their other vulnerabilities. The only one, being Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP), that they can solely mediate themselves has a price tag most of them probably can’t afford.
It seems clear that the ski/ride resorts left standing will be the ones who can provide skiers and riders with good value, those that are in far northern climates, and those that take security as seriously as other like venues do. While skiers and riders rejoice at making tracks on mountain sides, particularly when powder snow is to be had, they won’t do it if the venues that provides access to it are unsafe, which is currently the case.