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Last content update and data verfication was on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at 20:44:46 (America/New York — EST — UTC -5) by MEB MediaX Webmaster or authorized designee.


Mass Shooting
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)
San Jose
California – CA
Zip Code
Incident Date
May 24, 2021
Venue Type

Ranking Data

Preventable Factors/Rankings
201 1626109243 Parental Failures/Interventions Lacking – Parent(s) Negligent for Inaction Against Dependent Child (Perpetrator) Behavioral Red Flag Law(s) Nonexistent - Behavioral Red Flag Law(s) Nonexistent Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed - Perpetrator(s) Behavior Personally Erratic/Deviated from Individual/Societal Norms2 Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed - Perpetrator(s) Was in Directed and Overt Incident Preparatory Mode Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed - Perpetrator(s) Expressed Suicidal Ideation and/or Suicide by Police and/or Expressed Violent Intentions Privately and/or Publicly in Person and/or In Any Medium Commercial Establishment Failure - Commercial Establishment Failure Criminal Justice System Failures - Judicial System Failure - Custodial Issues - Questionable Release/Remand of Perpetrator(s) Criminal Justice System Failures - Judicial System Failure - Questionable "Blue Paper" Rejections of Perpetrator(s) Criminal Justice System Failures - Judicial System Failure - Questionable Search Warrant Rejection(s) for Perpetrator(s) Criminal Justice System Failures - Law Enforcement Failure - Delayed Response or Inaction to Perpetrator(s) at Incident Scene Criminal Justice System Failures - Law Enforcement Failure - Delayed/Ignored/or No Follow-up to Telltale Perpetrator(s) Event(s) Preceding Incident Criminal Justice System Failures - Probation/Parole Failure - Failure to Pursue/Report Probation/Parole Violation(s) for Perpetrator(s) Criminal Justice System Failures - Prosecutorial Failure - Failure to Pursue Warranted Criminal Charges Against Perpetrator(s) and/or Failure to Petition the Court for a Red Flag Hearing Gun Laws Inadequate - Inadequate Gun Law(s) Contributed to Perpetrator(s) Execution of the Incident Gun Laws Inadequate - Inadequate Gun Law(s) Exacerbated the Incident Mental Health System Failures/Interventions Lacking - Incident Principals Attested to Mental Health System Failure for Perpetrator(s) Mental Health System Failures/Interventions Lacking - Incident Principals Charged With Mental Health System Failure for Perpetrator(s) Mental Health System Failures/Interventions Lacking - Incident Principals Identified With Metal Health System Failure for Perpetrator(s) School System Failures/Interventions Lacking – School Officials Negligent for Inaction Against Perpetrator(s) Unnecessarily Accessible Perpetrator(s) Weapon(s) - Weapon(s) Was Unnecessarily Accessible to the Perpetrator Venue Lacked Armed Individuals/Personnel - Venue Lacked Armed Individuals (Civilians)/Personnel (Military/Police/Security) Venue Structural Security Lacking - Venue Had Limited Structural Security Venue Structural Security Lacking - Venue Structural Security was Nonexistent Venue Perimeter Security Lacking - Venue Had Limited Perimeter Security Venue Perimeter Security Lacking - Venue Perimeter Security was Nonexistent Vexatious Cascade of Events Beset Perpetrator(s) - Vexatious Cascade of Events Beset Perpetrator(s) Whatever System Failure - Whatever System Failure
200 1626109134 Parental Failures/Interventions Lacking – Parent(s) Negligent for Inaction Against Dependent Child (Perpetrator) Behavioral Red Flag Law(s) Nonexistent - Behavioral Red Flag Law(s) Nonexistent Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed - Perpetrator(s) Behavior Personally Erratic/Deviated from Individual/Societal Norms Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed - Perpetrator(s) Was in Directed and Overt Incident Preparatory Mode Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed - Perpetrator(s) Expressed Suicidal Ideation and/or Suicide by Police and/or Expressed Violent Intentions Privately and/or Publicly in Person and/or In Any Medium Commercial Establishment Failure - Commercial Establishment Failure Criminal Justice System Failures - Judicial System Failure - Custodial Issues - Questionable Release/Remand of Perpetrator(s) Criminal Justice System Failures - Judicial System Failure - Questionable "Blue Paper" Rejections of Perpetrator(s) Criminal Justice System Failures - Judicial System Failure - Questionable Search Warrant Rejection(s) for Perpetrator(s) Criminal Justice System Failures - Law Enforcement Failure - Delayed Response or Inaction to Perpetrator(s) at Incident Scene Criminal Justice System Failures - Law Enforcement Failure - Delayed/Ignored/or No Follow-up to Telltale Perpetrator(s) Event(s) Preceding Incident2 Criminal Justice System Failures - Probation/Parole Failure - Failure to Pursue/Report Probation/Parole Violation(s) for Perpetrator(s) Criminal Justice System Failures - Prosecutorial Failure - Failure to Pursue Warranted Criminal Charges Against Perpetrator(s) and/or Failure to Petition the Court for a Red Flag Hearing Gun Laws Inadequate - Inadequate Gun Law(s) Contributed to Perpetrator(s) Execution of the Incident Gun Laws Inadequate - Inadequate Gun Law(s) Exacerbated the Incident Mental Health System Failures/Interventions Lacking - Incident Principals Attested to Mental Health System Failure for Perpetrator(s) Mental Health System Failures/Interventions Lacking - Incident Principals Charged With Mental Health System Failure for Perpetrator(s) Mental Health System Failures/Interventions Lacking - Incident Principals Identified With Metal Health System Failure for Perpetrator(s) School System Failures/Interventions Lacking – School Officials Negligent for Inaction Against Perpetrator(s) Unnecessarily Accessible Perpetrator(s) Weapon(s) - Weapon(s) Was Unnecessarily Accessible to the Perpetrator Venue Lacked Armed Individuals/Personnel - Venue Lacked Armed Individuals (Civilians)/Personnel (Military/Police/Security) Venue Structural Security Lacking - Venue Had Limited Structural Security Venue Structural Security Lacking - Venue Structural Security was Nonexistent Venue Perimeter Security Lacking - Venue Had Limited Perimeter Security Venue Perimeter Security Lacking - Venue Perimeter Security was Nonexistent Vexatious Cascade of Events Beset Perpetrator(s) - Vexatious Cascade of Events Beset Perpetrator(s) Whatever System Failure - Whatever System Failure
    Blatant Rankings - Points Doubled
    Preventable Rankings Score
    Preventable Status
    Somewhat Unpreventable

    Preventable Factors

    Preventable Factor Details

    Last content update and data verfication was on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at 20:44:46 (America/New York — EST — UTC -5) by MEB MediaX Webmaster or authorized designee.

    Takeaway(s): —Disgruntled employees are very common and generally very easy to identify. Unlike the perpetrator in this case they most often don’t  pose a threat.  Unfortunately, no meaningful interventions had apparently been undertaken by the employer. —When the system knows crucial information but fails to share it with those who need to know the outcome will sometimes be unnecessarily tragic, which is what happened in this case. Incident Preventable Factor(s): —Behavioral Red Flags Ignored/Response Delayed – Perpetrator(s) Behavior Personally Erratic/Deviated from Individual/Societal Norms: “… the VTA [Valley Transportation Authority] was well aware of [the perpetrator’s] growing problems on the job. According to a trove of internal emails VTA released earlier this month in response to a public records request by the Bay Area News Group, Cassidy had five contentious run-ins with management over seemingly minor workplace issues in the two years before the shooting.” 1 “We can say that the suspect has been a highly disgruntled VTA [Valley Transportation Authority] employee for many years, which may have contributed to why he targeted VTA employees,” the sheriff’s department said in a statement. 2 “Matt Doherty, the former special agent in charge in the Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center and now a senior vice president with the security firm Hillard Heintze, said [the perpetrator] exhibited many of the warning signs of people who carry out violence in the workplace. ‘He was obviously escalating,’ Doherty said.” 1 —Criminal Justice System Failures – Law Enforcement Failure – Delayed/Ignored/or No Follow-up to Telltale Perpetrator(s) Event(s) Preceding Incident: The perpetrator “… was once stopped by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) while returning from the Philippines in 2016, sources told ABC News. He was apparently stopped and searched because he had books about terrorism and manifestos, according to three sources familiar with the investigation. The CBP also found a notebook that detailed his hatred of the VTA [Valley Transportation Authority].” 2 “‘Had this information been shared with local law enforcement, there would have been an intervention with [the perpetrator], Rosen [Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen] said in an interview with this news organization [The Mercury News]. ‘After speaking with [the perpetrator], there may at that point have been enough evidence for a gun-violence restraining order, there may have been information for them to refer [the perpetrator] to mental-health services or some other therapeutic alternative.'” 3 Communications is the cornerstone of most everything, but when it comes to life and death situations, it’s essential. While you and I not communicating effectively might get a pass, there’s absolutely no excuse when government agencies, their very counterparts, fail to connect. 3 Source(s): 1. Savidge, Nico. July 5, 2021. “‘He Was Obviously Escalating’: Could More Have Been Done To Prevent Mass Shooting at San Jose Rail Yard?”. Mercury News (The Columbian). Retereived July 12, 2021, from 2. Staff. June 10, 2021. “Shooter at San Jose VTA Had History of Insubordination, Conflict, According to Documents”. ABC10. Retereived July 13, 2021, from 3. Salonga, Robert and Castaneda, Leonardo. June 4, 2021. “Santa Clara County DA: VTA Shooter Could Have Been Stopped if Feds Told Local Authorities About Prior Detention”. The Mercury News. Retereived July 13, 2021, from


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    Record Information

    Last Updated
    Record ID
    Private ID
    Date Recorded
    2021-07-12 16:08:21
    Date Updated
    2023-10-22 01:41:24
    Last Accessed
    Type Designation