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Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP)
Mass Shooting Prevention and Research Library (MSPRL)
Focal Point Mass Shootings Database
The sole purpose of the Focal Point Mass Shootings Database is simply to allow users to quickly identify mass shootings that were likely to some degree preventable so they can focus on those.
We have systematically sought out mass shootings that based on available sources (mostly credible national news media outlets) are those which seem to have been preventable and therefore those which are most worthy of being closely securitized. In other words, the ones where things were missed and/or mistakes were made. By focusing on those we can surely educate others about what not to miss next time and how to do things right.
Therefore, the sole purpose of the Focal Point Mass Shootings Database is to analyze individual mass shootings only to determine the degree of their preventability, giving venue decision makers the ability to cut to the chase and take a good long hard look at those where we (society) screwed up, in an effort to prevent history from repeating itself, which it is well known to do.
The Focal Point Mass Shootings Database is increasingly being linked to our other content. In addition, a go to source, particularly for applicable venues, is Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP): Hotels, Movie Theaters, Nightclubs, School Buses, Shopping Malls, Ski/Ride Resorts, and Summer Camps, which consists of 439 linked bibliography citations all of which have been fully vetted. Those three sources, and surely others, can provide users, particularly venue decision makers, with volumes of credible information.