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Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP)
Mass Shooting Prevention and Research Library (MSPRL)
Arapahoe High School, Centennial, Colorado, Shooting – December 13, 2013
The shooting at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colorado, on December 13, 2013, was not a mass shooting by definition, however, it was an abnormality that provided a lot of lessons to be learned, so we’ve included it here, because our mission is to help society, the systems, and the venues to learn.
News Reports:
—Report: Three Major Failures Made Before Deadly Arapahoe High School Shooting
—Arapahoe H.S. Shooting Report Lists Many Errors
—Arapahoe High Shooting Reports Detail 3 Major Failures In Procedures
Two PDFs are available as follows:
—Post-Incident Review – Arapahoe High School [Centennial, Colorado] Active-Shooter Incident
—Report On the Arapahoe High School Shooting – Lessons Learned on Information Sharing, Threat Assessment, and Systems Integrity