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Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP)
Mass Shooting Prevention and Research Library (MSPRL)
The purpose of Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP) is to be “The Most Comprehensive and Up-To-Date Online Data Depositary for Helping Society, the Systems, and the Venues to Learn How to Prevent Mass Shootings.” Namely, we hope to help those at the helm of venues which are soft targets and crowded places (ST-CP) to make them less vulnerable to attack. In other words, harden them.
Over the past several decades thousands of soft targets and crowded places (ST-CP) have been hardened, many of them significantly. However, there are still a lot of soft targets and crowded places (ST-CP) such as hotels, movie theaters, nightclubs, school buses, shopping malls, ski/ride resorts, and summer camps.
Obviously, as more soft targets and crowded places (ST-CP) get hardened it leaves those which aren’t more vulnerable because logically perpetrators will choose soft venues as opposed to those which are hardened.
Most importantly, Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP) is a community service aggregator. We collect related items of content, including PDFs and YouTube videos, and display them or links to them, for the sole purpose of “Helping Society, the Systems, and the Venues to Learn How to Prevent Mass Shootings.”
As we all know the three most important things in real estate is location, location, location. The three most important things for mass shootings is learn, learn, learn.
Other questions about Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP) can likely be answered by visiting our detailed disclaimer.
Lastly, don’t be like most Americans and forget about all the mass shootings of the past. Be cognizant of them. Remember, history most often repeats itself. One of the most effective ways to prevent history from repeating itself is to know what has happened, and why it happened. Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP) implores you to learn what factors led to past mass shootings, which this website can help you do, so you can take measures to ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself on your turf. While a lot of mass shootings, according to our research, weren’t preventable, there were plenty that were.
Soft Targets and Crowded Places (ST-CP) is wholly owned and operated by MEB MediaX, which was founded by Michael E. Bemis, and now operates in collaboration with like-minded individuals who are not compensated for their generous and elaborate administrative, editorial, and/or technical assistance.